Sl.No. | Title | Name of Journal | Date of Publication | Volume No/Issue No/Page No | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Does Packaging Elements Affects Consumers Preference During The Purchase Of Chocolate? | ECS Transactions | 01-Jun-2023 | 107 / 1 / 5827-5838 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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2 | The visibility challenge: digital platforms giving a face to Indian small and medium enterprises | International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship | 20-Nov-2022 | 4 / 3 / 180-197 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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3 | Sustainable Interior Designing in the 21st Century - a Review | ECS Transactions | 01-Jun-2022 | 107 / 1 / 6801-6823 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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4 | Single-Use Plastic Packaging and Food and Beverage Industry's Take on It | ECS Transactions | 01-Jun-2022 | 107 / 1 / 5753-5762 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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5 | A Feminist Perspective on the Food and Gender Based Marketing Narrative | ECS Transactions | 01-Jun-2022 | 107 / 1 / 5797-5811 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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6 | Ethnic Food: A Solution With Sustainable Food Resources A Study On Consumer Awareness Of Ethnic Food And Its Impact On Consumption Attitude | ECS Transactions | 01-Jun-2022 | 107 / 1 / 13555-13574 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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7 | Sustainability In The Built Environment: Are We Doing Enough? | ECS Transactions | 01-Jun-2022 | 107 / 1 / 5847-5866 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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8 | Ethnic Food: The Food Way Forward | ECS Transactions | 01-Jun-2022 | 107 / 1 / 13547-13554 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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9 | Disconnect to Reconnect: Employee Wellbeing through Digital Detoxing | Journal of Positive School Psychology | 04-Apr-2022 | 6 / 2 / - | ||||||||||||||||||||
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10 | Factors Affecting Digital Visibility of Small and Medium Enterprises in India | Vision Journal of Business Perspective | 04-Dec-2021 | / / - | ||||||||||||||||||||
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11 | Acceptance of Consumer-Oriented Health Information Technologies (CHITs): Integrating Technology Acceptance Model with Perceived Risk | Informatica, An International Journal of Computing and Informatics | 07-Oct-2021 | 45 / 6 / 45-52 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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12 | Atmospherics: Role of color, lighting, layout and music on consumer behaviour in a retail setting: A critical review and synthesis | International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation | 11-Mar-2020 | 24 / 7 / 139-151 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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13 | Web User experience and consumer behaviour: The influence of colour, usability and aesthetics on the consumer buying behaviour | Test engineering and management Journal | 28-Feb-2020 | 82 / -- / 16592-16600 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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14 | Sense of Humor and Work Culture: A consideration towards humor appreciation to co-construct organizational expectations | International journal of advance science and technology | 02-Feb-2020 | 29 / 4 / 571-581 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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15 | Do fine dine restaurants satisfy customer needs?Diners? Perception of functional aspects of Quality, Value and Satisfaction | International journal of advance science and technology | 08-Jan-2020 | 28 / 20 / 926-944 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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16 | Organic produce and Millennials: Motives, Attitudes and Purchase Intention | International journal of advance science and technology | 08-Jan-2020 | 28 / 20 / 912-925 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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17 | Do fine dine restaurants satisfy customer needs?Diners? Perception of functional aspects of Quality, Value and Satisfaction | International journal of advance science and technology | 08-Jan-2020 | 28 / 20 / 926-944 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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18 | In-Depth Review of Micro-Economic Areas for Business Tourist's Spending Patterns | Asia pacific journal of innovation in hospitality and tourism | 03-Sep-2018 | 7 / 2 / 39-50 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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19 | Hotel managers perspective of managerial competency among graduating students of hotel management programme | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences | 14-Aug-2014 | / / - | ||||||||||||||||||||
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20 | Exploratory Revision of Concept and practices of Knowledge Management | International Journal of environmental sciences | 17-Jun-2014 | 4 / 6 / - | ||||||||||||||||||||
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21 | Service Praxis Using Tablet Personal Computer (Ipad Apps) - A Proposed Framework | International Journal of Scientific Knowledge Computing and Information Technology | 10-Jun-2014 | 5 / 6 / 20-28 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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22 | A study on "Student preference towards the use of Edmodo as a learning platform to create responsible learning environment" | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences | 10-Jun-2014 | / / - | ||||||||||||||||||||
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23 | Service delivery improvement models: A review | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences | 20-Feb-2014 | / / - | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Sl.No. | Title | Abstract Objectives | Type | Sponsors |
1 | Hotel Accommodation Management | Course-ware writing on SIM pattern | Note | Madurai Kamraj University |
Sl.No. | Type of Program | Role | Name of Program | Title of Paper | Date | Organising Institution | Level |
1 | Conference | Presenter | National conference on Emerging trends in Business Management | Understanding peer dynamics in distilled beverage consumption among young adults by investigating the role of social norms in shaping distilled beverage consumption pattern | 12/03/2025 | Central University of kerala | National |
2 | Seminar | Participant | International Week- Seminar on University of the Future | 10/03/2025 | Catholic de Lille - France | International | |
3 | Conference | Participant | International Conference on Emerging trends and advances in management, law, humanities and social sciences ( Global Nexus 2025 ) | 21/02/2025 | Eudoxia Research University, USA and Eudoxia Research Centre Bangalore , Mumbai , India | International | |
4 | Conference | Presenter | National Conference on "Transforming Business for Sustainable Future - Challenges & Opportunities" | Augmented Reality in Online Food Delivery and Its Impact on Brand Loyalty and Trust - A Conceptual Framework | 08/11/2024 | C B Bhandari Jain College | National |
5 | Conference | Participant | Natural Farming Innovations: Enhancing Soil Health and Seed Quality with AI and Drones for a Greener Agricultural Future | 03/11/2024 | Gujarat Natural Farming Science University | International | |
6 | Conference | Participant | Third International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research Trends in European, Asian and African Countries | 27/09/2024 | Eudoxia Research University, New Castle, USA and Eudoxia Research Centre, India | International | |
7 | Conference | Participant | Recent Advances in Social Sciences, Humanities, Management and Scientific Research 2024 | 23/07/2024 | Eudoxia Research University, New Castle, USA and Eudoxia Research Centre, India | International | |
8 | Conference | Presenter | International Conference on Happiness: Science and Practice 2024 | The intersection of Cultured Meat, Consumer Preferences, Scientific Advancements and Acceptance in India: A Comprehensive review. | 05/01/2024 | The Indian Institute of Management, Ranchi | International |
9 | Conference | Presenter | International Agricultural Conference On Natural Vs Organic Farming In Context To Bharatiya Agriculture | Potential And Sustainable Conversion Of Tea Waste Into Energy Sources | 24/12/2023 | Gujarat Natural Farming And Science University | International |
10 | Seminar | Participant | National Seminar On Sex Workers And Their Children : Legal,Educational,Health,Anad Occupational Challenges | 13/12/2023 | Christ University | National | |
11 | Conference | Presenter | 14th International Research Conference On Securing The Future Through Sustainability, Health Education And Technology | Sustainable Packaging and its Impact on Consumer Behaviour in the Premium Chocolate Industry: A Systematic Review | 13/12/2023 | Symbiosis Institute Of Management Studies, Pune | International |
12 | Conference | Presenter | 14th International Research Conference On Securing The Future Through Sustainability, Health Education And Technology | The Impact of Hotel Aromas on Guest Emotions: A Systematic Review on olfactory perception | 13/12/2023 | Symbiosis Institute Of Management Studies, Pune | International |
13 | Conference | Presenter | 14 Th Interanational Research Conference On The Securing The Future Through Sustainability, Health Education And Technology | India's Mixed Drink Market - An Immersive Study on the Evolving Market for Consumption of Distilled Spirit | 13/12/2023 | Symbiosis Institute Of Management And Studies | International |
14 | Conference | Presenter | 14th International Research Conference On Securing The Future Through Sustainability, Health Education And Technology | Sustainable Packaging and its Impact on Consumer Behaviour in the Premium Chocolate Industry: A Systematic Review | 13/12/2023 | Symbiosis Institute Of Management And Studies | International |
15 | Conference | Participant | 14th International Research Conference On Securing The Future Through Sustainability, Health Education And Technology | 13/12/2023 | Symbiosis Institute Of Management And Studies | International | |
16 | Conference | Presenter | International Analytics Conference | Recyclable Packaging: An Environmental Packaging Attributes Leading To Agreener Future | 23/08/2023 | VECTMAG | International |
17 | Conference | Presenter | Conference On Excellence In Research And Education | Exploring Holacracy As An Enabling Organizational Structure For Innovation Through Design Thinking | 09/06/2023 | Indian Institute Of Management | National |
18 | Conference | Presenter | International analytics conference | Recyclable packaging- an environmental assessment of packaging attributes leading to greener future. | 26/02/2023 | IAC with VECTMAG | International |
19 | Conference | Presenter | IAC 2023 | Enfolding the unknown-decoding the functions of sourdough to the Indian consumer market | 26/02/2023 | IAC - VECTMAG | International |
20 | Conference | Presenter | International analytics conference | Ancestral perception reintroduced: assessing consumption patterns and perceptions of superfood to bridge the knowledge gap | 26/02/2023 | IAC- VECTMAG | International |
21 | Conference | Presenter | Contemporary multidisciplinary issues in applied sciences, humanities, agriculture, animal health and production (ASHAA-2022) | functional beverage- assessing the challenges, perception and acceptance of fermented black tea in the Indian market through the lese of the brewers. | 14/11/2022 | Banaras Hindu University | International |
22 | Conference | Presenter | Contemporary multidisciplinary issues in applied sciences, humanities, agriculture, animal health and production (ASHAA-2022) | Bridging the tradition and trend : ayurveda and its modern application in healthy snacking and drinks in the Indian consumer market | 14/09/2022 | Banaras Hindu University | International |
23 | Conference | Presenter | Micro Credit lending and Economic prosperity in 21st millennium | Digitalized guest experiences and contactless technology in the Hotel Industry | 19/08/2022 | Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer jain first grade college | National |
24 | Conference | Presenter | Micro Credit lending and Economic prosperity in 21st millennium | Social media marketing's effect on consumer behaviour and decision making process in the FMCG industry- for the consumable products | 19/08/2022 | sri Bhagawan Mahaveer jain college, Karnataka | National |
25 | Conference | Presenter | International Conference On Technologies For Smart Green Connected Societies 2021 | A Feminist Perspective on the Food and Gender Base Marketing Narrative | 29/11/2021 | amagata University Japan. ICTSGS-1 IS ORGANIZED BY SPAST FOUNDATION AND ASSOCIATED PARTNER INSTITUTIONS. | International |
26 | Conference | Presenter | International Conference On Technologies For Smart Green Connected Societies 2021 | Sustainability in the Built Environment: Are We Doing Enough? | 29/11/2021 | Yamagata University Japan. ICTSGS-1 IS ORGANIZED BY SPAST FOUNDATION AND ASSOCIATED PARTNER INSTITUTIONS. | International |
27 | Conference | Presenter | International Conference On Technologies For Smart Green Connected Societies 2021 | " Single-use plastic packaging: What is the online food and beverage industries take on it | 29/11/2021 | Yamagata University Japan. ICTSGS-1 IS ORGANIZED BY SPAST FOUNDATION AND ASSOCIATED PARTNER INSTITUTIONS. | International |
28 | Conference | Presenter | International Conference On Technologies For Smart Green Connected Societies 2021 | Social media marketing's effect on consumer behavior and decision making process- in the FMCG industry for the consumable products | 29/11/2021 | Yamagata University Japan. ICTSGS-1 IS ORGANIZED BY SPAST FOUNDATION AND ASSOCIATED PARTNER INSTITUTIONS. | International |
29 | Conference | Presenter | International Conference On Technologies For Smart Green Connected Societies 2021 | Ethnic food: A solution with sustainable food resources A study on consumer awareness of ethnic food and its impact on consumption attitude | 29/11/2021 | Yamagata University Japan. ICTSGS-1 IS ORGANIZED BY SPAST FOUNDATION AND ASSOCIATED PARTNER INSTITUTIONS | International |
30 | Conference | Presenter | International Conference On Technologies For Smart Green Connected Societies 2021 | Ethnic food the food way forward | 29/11/2021 | Yamagata University Japan. ICTSGS-1 IS ORGANIZED BY SPAST FOUNDATION AND ASSOCIATED PARTNER INSTITUTIONS. | International |
31 | Conference | Presenter | International Conference On Technologies For Smart Green Connected Societies 2021 | Does Packaging food elements affect consumer preference during the purchase of chocolate? | 29/11/2021 | Yamagata University Japan. ICTSGS-1 IS ORGANIZED BY SPAST FOUNDATION AND ASSOCIATED PARTNER INSTITUTIONS. | International |
32 | Conference | Presenter | Embracing change and transformation : vision 2025 | A study on the factors influencing consumer response and brand value as a result of digital marketing in standalone restaurants | 20/02/2021 | VSIT, Mumbai | International |
33 | Conference | Presenter | Digital and data driven decision making for business and management | A study on the impact of a pandemic on consumer perception of online food delivery apps | 17/02/2021 | Dayanand Sagar University | International |
34 | Conference | Presenter | Digital and data driven decision making for business and management | A study on the consumption pattern of dark chocolate amongst young adults | 17/02/2021 | Dayanand Sagar University | International |
35 | Conference | Presenter | Digital and data driven decision making for business and management | know your food- awareness of ethnic food and its significance | 17/02/2021 | Dayanand Sagar University | International |
36 | Conference | Presenter | Multidisciplinary education system- transforming india into digital economy | Towards sustainability4.0- A systematic review of the current perception of sustainability in the built environment | 23/09/2020 | Nizam college Hyderabad | International |
37 | Conference | Presenter | Multidisciplinary education system: transforming India into digital economy | Sustainable interior designing in the 21st century-A review | 23/09/2020 | Nizam college, Hyderabad | International |
38 | Seminar | Participant | Frontiers in material and chemical sciences | 31/08/2020 | Jain University | National | |
39 | Conference | Presenter | Rise of disembedded unilateral economy | User experience of consumer behaviour: The influence of colour, layout and aesthetics on the consumer | 08/11/2019 | Krupanidhi Group of Institutions (School of Management) | International |
40 | Conference | Presenter | Innovision in the era of globalization | Atmospheric: Role of colour, lighting, layout and music on consumer behaviour in a retail setting: A critical review and synthesis | 08/11/2019 | Krupanidhi Group of Institutions (School of Management) | International |
41 | Conference | Presenter | Developing organizations for the future: re-interpreting the modern business landscape | Impact of digital marketing and customer purchase intention with respect to jewelry industry | 27/06/2019 | Christ University | International |
42 | Conference | Presenter | Issues , prospects and challenges of governance of the government sector in digital India | Prevailing E-governance situation in health sector of India- a systematic review | 15/02/2019 | IFIM college Bengaluru | International |
43 | Conference | Presenter | Hospitality Connect | Clean Technology | 13/02/2019 | Clean India - Mumbai | International |
44 | Conference | Participant | Changing business landscapes- Harnessing digitization | 06/02/2019 | Christ University | International | |
45 | Conference | Presenter | Innovative practices in Business Mangement Productivity and Environement | Orienting the plate: The impact pf food aesthetics on consumer dinning experience | 24/01/2019 | SSMRV institute of management | International |
46 | Conference | Presenter | Innovative practices in Business Mangement Productivity and Environement | Succession planning in a family-owned business:a review | 24/01/2019 | SSMRV institute of management | International |
47 | Conference | Presenter | Innovative practices in Business Mangement Productivity and Environement | Hotel Aesthetics: Interior Design and Its Impact on Guest Experience | 24/01/2019 | SSMRV institute of management | International |
48 | Conference | Presenter | Future of learning conference -2019 Learning 4.0: connecting the dots;reaching the unreached | Strengthening intelligent computer assisted learning : understanding the concept of knowledge presentation | 04/01/2019 | IIMB | International |
49 | Conference | Presenter | International conference | Biomimicry: An approach to sustainable Architecture and design | 01/03/2018 | Binary university , Malaysia in association with Tata Consultancy services and Mount carmel college autonomous | International |
50 | Conference | Presenter | Intenational conference | A Paradigm Shift: Looking Forward to Sustainability in Organizations | 01/03/2018 | Binary university , Malaysia in association with Tata Consultancy services and Mount carmel college autonomous | International |
51 | Conference | Presenter | International conference | Corporate management to corporate governance: Perspective on organizational excellence | 06/02/2018 | Christ University | International |
52 | Conference | Moderator/Chair | International colloquium | 24/01/2018 | Christ University in association with the Taj group of Hotels | International | |
53 | Conference | Presenter | International conference on advancement in engineering, applied science and management | Restospection on corporate governanace and ethics - a review | 18/06/2017 | C-DAC Mumbai | International |
54 | Conference | Presenter | International conference on advancement in engineering, applied science and management | Understanding linkage between usage of technology and acceptance by guest in Hotel Industry- An introspection | 18/06/2017 | C-DAC Mumbai | International |
55 | Conference | Presenter | International conference on sustainable tourism developement issues, challenges and debates | In-depth review of micro economic areas for business tourists spending patterns | 25/04/2017 | singidunum university and nepal tourism board | International |
56 | Conference | Presenter | International conference on sustianablitiy tourism issues and dvelopement and growth | In-depth review of micro-economics analysis of tourist's spending | 25/04/2017 | Bucks New University (UK) | International |
57 | Conference | Moderator/Chair | Synthesize: an interdisciplinary conference on management and social sciences | 10/03/2017 | Christ University | International | |
58 | Conference | Presenter | International conference on Emerging Trends in Business | The impact of hotels business ethics on employee job satisfaction-A conceptual study | 16/02/2017 | Christ University | International |
59 | Conference | Presenter | International conference on business, economics, social science and humanities | Exploration of factors affecting inbound asean tourists growth in Malaysia | 04/02/2017 | Christ University | International |
60 | Conference | Presenter | Colloquium Communiqué titled ?Carbon footprints ?its payback time?, NHC in August 2010. | - | Christ University | National | |
61 | Conference | Presenter | Knowledge Dissemination through Journal Publications. | - | Christ University | National | |
62 | Other | Presenter | Floris and Florist | - | Christ University | Institutional | |
63 | Conference | Presenter | Serviced Apartment: Customer?s voice on Quality Standards in Bangalore and Chennai". | - | Christ University | International | |
64 | Conference | Presenter | Academic Community Cluster level | - | Christ University | National | |
65 | Conference | Presenter | A study on factors preventing women from getting promoted in hotel industry in Bangalore | - | Christ University | International | |
66 | Seminar | Presenter | Evaluation of service quality of Five star Luxury Hotels in Bangalore. | - | Christ University | National | |
67 | Conference | Presenter | And trend is growing! Making green a reality. | - | Christ University | Regional | |
68 | Conference | Presenter | Trends in Business Management | - | Christ University | International | |
69 | Conference | Presenter | Decisive Hospitality Management Research | - | Christ University | National | |
70 | Seminar | Presenter | Gender Diversity in Corporate with reference to Hospitality Industry. | - | Christ University | National | |
71 | Conference | Presenter | Distinction of Male and Female entities in big corporate with reference to Five star Deluxe Hotel Properties in Bangalore | - | Christ University | International | |
72 | Conference | Presenter | Unveiling Business Process Improver ? CRM and Hotel Industry | - | Christ University | International | |
73 | Conference | Presenter | Hotel managers perspective of managerial competency among graduating students of hotel management programme | - | Christ University | International | |
74 | Conference | Presenter | Student preference towards the use of Edmodo as a learning platform to create responsible learning environment | - | Christ University | International | |
75 | Conference | Presenter | Service Delivery Improvement Models: A Retrospectory Study with Hypothetical Analysis | - | Christ University | International | |
76 | Conference | Presenter | Occupancy improvement in serviced apartments: Customer profiling | - | Christ University | International | |
77 | Participant | Two weeks Refresher course on ?Redefining Hospital | - | CU | National | ||
78 | Participant | Professional Development Program ?Empowering Accom | - | CU | Regional | ||
79 | Participant | Hospitality Symposium by Welcome Group School of H | - | Manipal University | International | ||
80 | Participant | National Workshop ?Empirical Research and Data ana | - | R&D Cell and Dept. of Statistics, Christ University, Bangalore | National | ||
81 | Participant | Writing and Publishing of research articles | - | R&D Cell , Christ University, Bangalore | Institutional | ||
82 | Participant | National Seminar on Front Office faculty Developme | - | Dept of Hotel Management, CU | National | ||
83 | Participant | Workshop on oriental floral art ?Yokorobi? | - | PESIT, Bangalore | Regional | ||
84 | Participant | Trend in Hospitality | - | Dept of Hotel Management, CU | National | ||
85 | Participant | National Conference ?Knowledge Dissemination throu | - | at Christ University | National | ||
86 | Participant | Sustaining a competitive edge in the changing glob | - | Christ University | Regional | ||
87 | Participant | ?Indian Inc. Innovative Management Strategies? | - | ?Indian IDon Bosco Institute of Bio-Sciences & Management Studies | International | ||
88 | Participant | Innovative Paradigms in Contemporary Management?, | - | SB Jain Institute of Technology, Management and Research, Nagpur | National | ||
89 | Participant | Conference on Strategic Planning | - | TQM System, Christ University | Institutional | ||
90 | Participant | Facets of Hospitality | - | MS Ramaiah College, Bangalore | Regional | ||
91 | Participant | IV Annual National Seminar on Business and Managem | - | Department of Tourism Studies Christ University | National | ||
92 | Participant | ICCSEM-2013 | - | Dayanand Sagar Management Institute, Bangalore | International | ||
93 | Conference | Presenter | Assessing CRM practices in hotel Industry: A look at the progress and prospects. | - | Christ University | International | |
94 | Participant | Research in Education for Sustainable Developement | - | School of education, Christ University | National | ||
95 | Participant | International Seminar on Tourism Leisure & Hospita | - | Christ University , Separtment of Tourism Studies | International | ||
96 | Conference | Presenter | investigating the effectiveness of wired restaurants? | - | Christ University | International | |
97 | Other | Presenter | Think differently: an innovative step towards improving productivity | - | Christ University | National | |
98 | Conference | Presenter | ? Relationship marketing :a proposed term for hotel Industry-A review? | - | Christ University | International | |
99 | Participant | National Seminar on ?research in education for sus | - | Christ University | National | ||
100 | Participant | National Colloquium Innovation and imrpoving produ | - | Christ University, Taj group of hotels | National | ||
101 | Participant | National Hospitality and tourism Symposiuminternat | - | Christ Univeristy in association with SKAL internation | National | ||
102 | Participant | Seminar on ?Strategic Supremacy | - | 31. ALL Ladies League?s Bangalore?s Chapter | Regional | ||
103 | Participant | National conference titled ?Sustaining a Competiti | - | the department of commerce , Christ university | National | ||
104 | Participant | The international conference on Demographics-Divid | - | Jain University Bangalore | International | ||
105 | Participant | National Hospitality and Tourism Conference ? An i | - | Department of Tourism Studies, Christ university | National |
Sl.No. | Title of the Program | Name of the Program | Date | Name of the Institution |
1 | Training workshop for Hoteliers on Design concepts | Training workshop on Design Concepts | 24/07/2014 | Hotel vivanta by Taj |
2 | ?TRUSTOMER FIRST starts with Self Belief? | a knowledge sharing workshop for Academicians and Hoteliers | - | |
3 | Importance of Design concepts an an attribute | - Academia interface and innovation forum | - | Hotel Vivanta by Taj |
4 | Curriculum Development | Institutional workshop | - | LAD &SRP Institute of Hotel Management |
Sl.No. | Title | Guide Name | Institution | Month Year |
1 | Emergence of Serviced Apartment in Chennai and Bangalore and Tier II city Nagpur; Problems, Future and Prospects. | Dr.Asha Tiwari | RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur | May 2012 |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of Student | Institution | Month Year |
1 | Study of Value added benefits of Women Employee and Formulating Strategies for Their Retention in Five Star Hotels of Western Maharashtra. | Charuta Gajbiye | RTMNU , Nagpur University, Nagpur | |
2 | 48. Study the perspective for developing & promoting wild life tourism in vidarbha region | Prashant Virkhere | Rashtrasant tukadoji maharaj university, Nagpur | |
4 | An investigation of service quality in health care sector - a study on reltoship among hospital brand image , patient satisfaction and patient loyalty | Sheeba Bhaskar | Christ University | June 2019 |
5 | Factors impacting organic food consumption among millennial in Bangalore | Priyansha Shami | Christ University | June 2018 |
6 | Impact of E-Service Attributes on Customer Satisfaction, Customer Engagement, and Brand Loyalty in Direct to Consumer Channel | PRIYANSHA | Christ University | November 2022 |
7 | A Study on Inventory Management Systems of Housekeeping Department for Star Category Hotels in Pune? | Sarika Joshi | Pune University |
Sl.No. | Name of the Research Project | Investigator(s) | Sponsors | Internal/External |
1 | EMERGENCE OF SERVICED APARTMENTS IN METROS: An Exploratory study. | CU | Internal | |
2 | Major Research Project on : "An Analysis of Service Quality of Five Star Luxury Hotels in Bangalore". | CU | Internal | |
3 | Assessment and reproduction of corporate governance process and ethical practices among five star hotels in India: An analytical case.? | ICSSR | External | |
4 | Analysis of service quality: A comparative study among Five star hotels in Bangalore | LEENA N FUKEY | Internal | |
5 | Availability of Toilets with reference to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: A Study of Urban Rural Clusters in and around Bangalore | NITA THOMAS, LEENA N FUKEY,ZACHARIA JOSEPH,USHA DINAKARAN | ICSSR | External |
6 | Preserving Cultural Heritage: Transforming the Livelihoods of Women Handloom Weavers in Karnataka Region | MUDITA SINHA, LEENA N FUKEY,DIPPI VERMA,RAMEESHA KALRA | Internal | |
7 | Orientation and Training Program for the Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Raj Fellowship | LEENA N FUKEY, SUNIL M P,PUKHRAJ AGARWAL | Department of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, Government of Karnataka | External |
Sl.No. | Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme | Name of Oraganiser | Level | Date |
1 | Dat Collection, Coding, Sampling and Data Interpretation in Qualitative Research Design 2024 | Eudoxia Research University, ERC- India & African international research council of eudoxia | International | 16/12/2024 |
2 | International Advanced Faculty Development on Manuscript, Thesis Drafting, and Funding of Research Project with application of AI (CPR-AI) | Eudoxia Research University, ERU-USA | International | 28/10/2024 |
3 | International Workshop on Research Methods and Methodology | Eudoxia Research University | International | 15/10/2024 |
4 | 17th International Workshop on Research Method and Methodology (WORAM 17.0) | Eudoxia Research University, ERU-USA | International | 09/08/2024 |
5 | International Advanced Faculty Development Program on research Designs, Mechanics of Manuscript Drafting and free Publication Process( FDP RDMAP 2024 ) | Eudoxia Research University, ERU-USA | International | 27/07/2024 |
6 | International Advanced Faculty Development on Research Designs, Mechanics of Manuscript Drafting, and Free Publication Process (FDP RDMAP 2024) | Eudoxia Research University, ERU-USA | International | 27/07/2024 |
7 | Ethics and Integrity in Management Practices | Sushant University, Gurugram | International | 22/07/2024 |
8 | Management development program on case teaching and research | Christ University | National | 21/03/2024 |
9 | Management development program on case teaching and research | Christ University | National | 21/03/2024 |
10 | scaffolding Adult Learning Through Learner Centred Approach | Christ University | Institutional | 01/03/2024 |
11 | Academic advancement through protection of intellectual property rights | Christ University | National | 19/02/2024 |
12 | Academic advancement through protection of intellectual property rights | Christ University | National | 19/02/2024 |
16 | FDP I | Christ University | Institutional | 06/07/2023 |
18 | Curriculum Design and developement for higher education | St Francis de sales college, Bangalore | National | 22/05/2023 |
19 | Quantitative research in hospitality sector | T Johns College Bangalore | National | 17/03/2023 |
20 | Curriculum Design and Revision with specific focus on OBE | Christ University | Institutional | 05/12/2022 |
21 | Enhancing Research Excellence | Jain University, Bangalore | National | 22/11/2022 |
22 | Rebooting Hospitality Experiences and Opportunities in Academics | Christ University | Institutional | 01/06/2022 |
23 | Recent trends in Green Chemistry | Don Bosco Institute of technology, Bengaluru | National | 15/11/2021 |
24 | Digital Transformation and E-Governance in social Resurgence | Internal quality assurance cell and conference committee, seshadripuram college in association with ICSSR | National | 07/10/2021 |
25 | Technical pedagogy for empowering sustainable advances in higher education | T Johns College , Bangalore | National | 19/07/2021 |
26 | Faculty development program - I | CEDBEC and HRDC | Institutional | 16/06/2021 |
27 | International FDP on Innovation ,IPR, Technology development an entrepreneurship | St Claret College, Bangalore | International | 14/06/2021 |
28 | Innovation, IOR, Technology development and entrepreneurship | SCC-KSCST IP Cell, institutions innovation council and internal assurance cell , St claret | National | 14/06/2021 |
29 | Hospitality Management Trends | AICTE Training and ATAL Academy | National | 07/06/2021 |
30 | awareness on export business | Sambhram academy of management studies and government of India , ministry of MSME | National | 01/06/2021 |
31 | Hybrid Teaching | Christ University | 02/03/2021 | |
32 | Hands on Psychometric Behavioral Testing and Training | Silicon city college of management and commerce | National | 25/01/2021 |
33 | FDP- Unleashing excellence of academia through pedagogic tools | Jain Deemed to be University | National | 09/09/2020 |
34 | Article writing and Research proposal for funded projects | St. Claret Institute , Bangalore | National | 04/09/2020 |
35 | Creat a culture of sharing growing anf learning | Department of Hotel management CHRIST (deemd to be university) | National | 02/12/2019 |
36 | capacity Building for constructive alignment | CHRIST(Teaching learning enhancment cell in asociation with the United Board for christian higher education in Asia | Institutional | 04/10/2019 |
37 | capacity building for constructive alignment | United board USA and CHRIST (Deemed to be University) | International | 04/10/2019 |
38 | Managing Emotions and energy management | CHRIST(Deemed to be University) | Institutional | 26/08/2019 |
39 | Transcendental Meditation | CHRIST(Deemed to be University) | Regional | 22/07/2019 |
40 | Outdoor Leadership development program | CHRIST(Deemed to be University) in association with academy of Guru freddy's | Institutional | 03/07/2019 |
41 | QIP- Curating F&B spaces for the future- The challenges | Academic staff college , CHRIST UNIVERSITY | 18/05/2019 | |
42 | the ABC's of communication | All Ladies League -Bangalore chapter | Regional | 02/02/2019 |
43 | Forest Under construction | Indian institute of disaster management | Regional | 16/12/2018 |
44 | Faculty knowledge program- Innovative practices in teaching learning | IBS Business school | National | 20/07/2018 |
45 | 21st century professional developement skills | CHRIST (Deemed to be University) | 19/05/2018 | |
46 | Reassessing strategic directions | Institutional | 24/11/2017 | |
47 | Rethinking research in higher education | Institutional | 22/09/2017 | |
48 | Health care finance | CHRIST University | Institutional | 18/08/2017 |
49 | Revenue Management | STR Global | Regional | 11/08/2017 |
50 | Teaching , learning and Evaluation | CU academic staff college | 22/05/2017 | |
51 | Design Thinking and Innovation | Christ University , Department of hotel management | Regional | 11/06/2016 |
52 | Workshop on Linking Six Sigma to Strategy | Christ university, bangalore | Institutional | 28/05/2016 |
53 | To build understanding of book writing skills | Routlegde Editorial | Institutional | 25/09/2014 |
54 | Faculty Developement Programe | Deanery of Commerce and Management | Institutional | 01/10/2013 |
55 | Workshop on Writing Skills | Centre for Publications | Institutional | 03/06/2013 |
56 | How to write for and get published in scientific journals and publish manuscripts | Edanz and Springer | Institutional | 28/01/2013 |
57 | A Guide to getting Published | Emerald Literati Network | Institutional | 17/09/2012 |
58 | Emerging Trends in Business | Christ University Academic Staff College | Institutional | 03/10/2011 |
59 | Orientation program on Research and Publication | TQMS , Christ University, Bangalore | 16/01/2010 | |
60 | Empirical Research and data Analysis | Research developement Cell and department of Statistics | Institutional | 19/11/2009 |
61 | Empowering Accommodation educators and Professionals on Contemporary Hospitality Trends and Issues | Department of Hotel Management, christ college | National | 15/07/2005 |
62 | Empowering placement trainers towards Contemporary selection techniques in the Hospitality Industry | Department of Hotel Management, christ college | Regional | 27/08/2004 |
63 | Redefining Hospitality Educators role , perspectives and strategies towards Emerging Trends in Hotel Management | AICTE -ISTE , New Delhi | National | 11/11/2002 |
64 | National convention | National Hotel housekeeprs association | National | - |
66 | Training program on holistic education on 30th May, 2015 | Christ University | Institutional | - |
67 | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME- 2015-16 Theme: ? Stimulating Research informed Teaching? 28-29 May 2015 | Christ University | Institutional | - |
68 | QIP of the BHM Department 30 march 2015 on academic writing. | Christ University | - | |
69 | Lecture series for final year specialization students on total quality management in hotel ITC on July 8,2015 | Regional | - | |
70 | ALL State Committee Chairperson, Karnataka - Mridula Sharma Organized a talk on Living Healthy Naturally at Aksara, Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka! 23 December 2015 | ALL(All Ladies League) State Committee | Regional | - |
71 | panel discussion on ?Has westernization affected Indian food Choices!? organized by department of hotel management on December 15, 2015 | Christ University | Regional | - |
72 | National level workshop on hospitality grooming conducted by SHC, supported by Taj group of hotels. | Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore in association with PHC(Professional housekeeprs club) | National | - |
73 | knowledge sharing session on leadership and motivation at IHM conducted by PHA | Institute of hotel management andPHA, Bangalore | Regional | - |
74 | 27. March12, 2016, attended a training workshop on Hospital housekeeping conducted by PHA at Curzon court. | Professional hotel housekeeping association | Regional | - |
75 | 40. Attended a training workshop on Case Development from March 1st to 4th, 2016, at conducted by Centre for Case Research and Development (CCRD), Christ University. | CCRD, Christ University, Bangalore | Institutional | - |
76 | 41. Attended international certification workshop titled "Certification in Hotel Industry Analytics" at Christ University, Bangalore on 3rd Feb 2016. | Christ University in association with CHIA | International | - |
Sl.No. | Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others | Description | Organisation | Month/ Year |
1 | Soft Skill Training | Training for Immigration Officers of Bangalore International Airport Limited (now KIAL) | Bureau of Immigration | December , 2012 |
2 | Award winning Best Paper in International Conference ?Innovative Paradigms in Contemporary Management" | Serviced Apartment: Customer?s voice on Quality Standards in Bangalore and Chennai. | SB Jain Institute of Technology, Management and Research, Nagpur | January 2012. |
3 | Authored and Presented award winning Paper | Paper titled ?Floris and Florist? in YOKOROBI. | PESIT, Bangalore | September 2010 |
4 | Coursera online course | korea advanced institute of science and technology | JULY 30, 2014 | |
5 | Coursera online course on Creativity, Innovation, and Change | the pennsylvania state university | october 06, 2014 | |
6 | Coursera online course on Tools of the Trade (Fundamental English Writing) | english department, mt. san jacinto college | november 03, 2014 | |
7 | Member of departmental Curriculum committee | PESIT, Bangalore | ||
8 | Member of peer committee , Departement of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Nagpur | LAD&SRP college for women, Napur | ||
9 | Invited as an expert and chaired a research session by professors | 36. Chaired a session in the National conference conducted by the department of tourism studies titled Tourism, Hospitality and management-an interdisciplinary approach towards advanced research? | Chrsit University | |
10 | Chaired a research session | Chaired a session in Jain University for the International conference on Demographics-Dividend or Disaster? | Jain University | |
11 | Developed content for government training certification | Developed content for training Certificate in Housekeeping Supervision Operations Course offered by additional skill acquisition program- a joint initiative of higher education department and general education department, government of Kerala in association with skill provider City and Guilds Manipal Global, 2016 February | Kerala government,in association with skill provider City and Guilds Manipal Global | |
12 | Appointed a review and Board member by PESIT University, Bangalore | Board member of departmental curriculum committee , PESIT University, Bangalore | PESIT University , Bangalore | |
13 | Best paper award | Presented and received an award for best paper presentation in the 35th IRF international Conference | IRF international Conference | |
14 | Invited to be part of international women chamber | 4. Member of international body known as ALL Ladies League (ALL) is the world?s largest All-inclusive international women?s chamber and a movement for the Welfare, Wealth, and Wellbeing of ALL. | All Ladies League(ALL) | |
15 | To start a Industry - Academia interface forum | Initiated a talk to come up with a Industry - Academia interface and innovation forum with Ms Priya and Mr. Suman Sood head innovation Tata companies | Christ University and Tatas | |
16 | Developed a research case with MBA Executive Program Student | Developing a case for the academic project | Christ University | |
17 | Recognized speaker from karnataka from academia | Hospitality connect organized byClean India Mumbai | Clean India , Mumbai | 15 February 2019 |
18 | speaker | sustainability in Hotel Operations | Hotel Taj, MG Road | 29 November 2019 |
19 | Elected as Vice president , WICCI Karnataka | Women?s Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry- State Vice President - Karnataka Lifestyle & Fitness Improvement Council | Women's Indian chamber of commerce and industry | 20 April 2020 |
20 | ICTSGS service award certificate | SPAST foundation worldwide- International conference world wide 2021- was elected as a committee member , editor and reviewer which was an initiative of a Japan International University | Spast Foundation worldwide | 30 November 2021 |
21 | certificate of excellence in reviewing | in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the quality of the journal | Asian journal of probability and statistics | 20 January 2022 |
22 | Certificate of Article Indexed | Scope Database - journal indexing and citation analysis | Scope Database | 12 May 2022 |
23 | Journal Reviewer | Appointed as Reviewer for the Hospitality Journal by AISSMS Pune | AISSMS, Pune | 28 July 2021 |
24 | certificate of excellence in reviewing | Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science | 15 March 2023 | |
25 | certificate of excellence in reviewing | Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science | 27 February 2023 | |
26 | Reviewer - Atithya Journal of Hospitality | Appointed as a reviewer for Hospitality Journal- Atithya | AISSMS, Pune | 01 August 2022 |
27 | Women Leader In Global Learning | GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF CAMBODIA | 27 April 2023 | |
28 | Higher Education & Research | Glob'l Cahamber Of Consumer Rights | 30 September 2023 | |
29 | Chief Guest Invitee | Christ University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India | 30 October 2023 | |
30 | Excellence In Peer-Reviewing | Research Publication - Peer Reviewing | B P INTERNATIONAL | 24 November 2023 |
31 | Excellence In Peer-Reviewing | Jouranl Peer Reviewing | CURRENT JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 19 October 2023 |
32 | Excellence In Peer-Reviewing | Journal Peer Reviewing | JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH AND REVIEWS | 16 December 2023 |
33 | Expert Review Member | Reviewer For Hospitality Research Projects | RAMAIAH UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES | 18 May 2023 |
35 | Conference Chair | Recognized Invitee To Chair Conference Technical Sessions | Christ University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India | 06 October 2023 |
36 | Outstanding contribution to the developement of education awards | International institute of hotel management | 15 September 2023 | |
37 | Board of studies - Academic Expert Member | T Johns College, Autonomous | 28 February 2024 | |
38 | In recognition to exceptional dedication, commitment, and contribution and education on teachers day. | The Academic Senate and International Council of Eudoxia Research University | 05 September 2024 | |
39 | Member of the International Council of Applied Science Research | The Academic Senate and International Council of Eudoxia Research University | 18 November 2024 | |
40 | Erasmus Mobility | Université Catholique de Lille France | 25 February 2025 | |
42 | International Council of Applied science Research | Eudoxia Research University , ERU - USA | 18 November 2024 | |
43 | Appoinment as a Reviewer for Research Journal , Atithya - a Journal of hospitality | AISSMS COLLEGE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND CATERING TECHNOLOGY , PUNE | 13 July 2024 | |
44 | Chief Guest and Session Chair for International Conference | Dayanand Sagar Institute of Engineering and Management Studies | 20 December 2024 | |
45 | Outstanding Performance and Contribution in Education | Edu Awards ,National Edition , India | 25 October 2024 |
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CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.